BTBM  India Children’s Ministry Video

"Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me". (Mat 18:5 NKJV)

 Brighty, Grace, Salomi, Isaac, Mary, Ishwant, Jyothi….. the names and faces go on and on! They are the children of India- roughly 700 million of them in a country one third the size of the USA! My heart has joyfully carried their smiles, bright eyes and burdens every day of every year since we started the India Children’s Bible Schools seven years ago!

BTBM India Children VideoThis video is created to share with you the faces, hearts and lives of these precious Indian children. You will have a quick glimpse of their story as they are delivered from sin, hopelessness and idolatry through the gospel of Jesus Christ. I hope that as you watch this transformation unfold before your eyes you will better understand the needs, challenges and joys of this ministry. We value your participation through prayers and support to continue to move forward into the darkness of India with the light of Jesus Christ!

Nan Cunningham

Special thanks to Kim Maguire, Erin and Ryan Davis for compiling this video.


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(Uses Windows Media Player format)