Dear Family and Friends,
Thank you for your prayers for ministry in Zimbabwe. We have been so refreshed by our time with believers here and will give you a more thorough report next week.
Pastor Ken Mawire is our contact and guide here, and he is an amazing 82-year-old disciple with a fire in his belly for Jesus Christ. We are learning much from his wisdom and experience. We have walked all over Harare with him—he travels everywhere in his ministry by foot with a quick step and a happy heart. The conference here ended Sunday night, and that evening we took the pastors and their wives out for a nice chicken dinner—half a chicken each with french fries and salad. Some didn’t know how to use the knife and fork, and a few said they had never tasted salad before. It was fun! Mawire was so happy that we would treat them all like that. We have had a few days to just hang around Harare. It is much safer and more comfortable than we anticipated. Apparently it is much better than the last time Gene was here with Gavin. We have been staying at a bed and breakfast that is a house built by the Brits years ago and probably nothing has changed since then. It is old and in need of some repairs, but it is clean and comfortable and they serve us a great breakfast. It actually reminds us a lot of Australia. The plants and climate seem very similar. The Christians here send their greetings and thanks to fellow believers in America and Australia.
Right now we ask you to remember us in prayer as we travel on tomorrow to Mozambique. We will begin our journey in a small public van. Once we cross the border, we will have to hitch a ride in an open air truck and then walk the last portion. We will have a 3-day conference (Aug 26–28) in Mozambique and then walk to some outlying villages.
Please pray for safe travel and effective ministry, pray also for God’s guidance in areas requiring great discernment. The Lord is taking good care of us and giving us joy in His service and with His family!
Thank you all for standing with us in prayer and support. It’s always good to know we are only a small part of a much greater team and family!
By grace alone,
Gene and Nan