Should Christians get involved in supporting or celebrating Christmas? Have you ever heard that argument? Why in the world would Christians want to get involved in something that was really a “pagan holiday,” that we the Church co-opted? So for those critics, I have three points.
Number one: Do you give your kids birthday gifts? You celebrate your kids birthdays, why not celebrate the birth of the Savior? If we’re not going to do it now, when would you decide to do it? That would be a question.
Secondly, in 1st Corinthians 9:22, Paul says, “I became all things to all men, that by all means I may win some.” I can’t think of a time, and I doubt that you could think of a time in the year when there is more focus on the birth of Jesus Christ. Once a year, the world is confronted with the reality of His coming. And I think that’s great!
The third point is in Matthew 16:18,where Jesus said, “On this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” The idea is not that we are holding out against the world. The idea is that we are assaulting a world and they cannot overwhelm us. They cannot withstand the assault of the Church. The very fact that you and I are here, 2000 years after the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, is evidence of that. The world has done everything it can to squash the message, destroy the Word, and intimidate believers. Yet, all around the world today there are those who are singing praise, spreading the Word and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. So, if we co-opt or take over Christmas, that’s what we’re supposed to do. We’re supposed to seize the gates of the enemy. This is why we’re here and why this season is so important.

Gene Cunningham - September 11, 2000

Elijah #11

Elijah experiences the provision and faithfulness of God in the two meals he ate. God then commissions him to prepare his successor. God uses failures to prepare for victories if we let Him. Private time often prepares for public victory. Elijah was in the presence of the Lord (1Ki 19:11-12). God warns Elijah that He does not guide by fantastic events or signs. The devil can give signs and will deceive. "After the fire a still small voice"; God speaks in the inner ear. Peter explains God's guidance to him (Act 11:1-2). (1) There is a great need in our lives for Divine guidance (Jer 17:9, Rom 8:26). "Lord, what will you have me to do?" (Acts 22:10). (2) There is a promise of Divine guidance given by God (Psalm 32:8, Isa 30:21, Joh 16:13, Rom 8:14). (3) We have warnings regarding Divine guidance (Jam 4:13-15). Are we seeking the will of God in our plans? (4) There's a method to God's guidance (Pro 3:5-6, Joh 7:17). It's not what happening to you that guides, but the set of the soul (Joh 3:8). We don't often understand God (Isa 55:8-11). God won't overlook the smallest grain, but we need to be obedient (Amo 9:9). If we do the known will of God He'll guide in the unknown (Rom 12:1-2, 1Pe 3:15, Psa 37:4). Peter was obedient therefore under the guiding hand of God (Act 11:5-18). (1) Peter uses his waiting time in effective prayer in fellowship (Act 11:5). Transform your waiting time into redeemed time through prayer. (2) Peter had divine revelation (Act 11:5-7). Apostles had visions, we have the word of God. (3) Peter is spiritually minded (Act 11:6, Act 10:19, Rom 8:6, 2Ti 1:7). (4) Peter hears the word of God (Act 11:7, Rom 10:17). (5) God use providential circumstance - "at that moment (Act 11:11). Prayer + God's word + circumstance recognized = providential circumstance (Eph 4:13). (6) There is a compelling of the Spirit (Act 11:12). The voice in Act 11:7 is God's speaking directly to Peter as an apostle Peter; vs Act 11:12 is the way we are guided. (7) Peter compares the things he sees and hears (Act 13-16, 1Co 2:11-15). (8) Peter had Divine confirmation (Act 11:15-17). There are three categories of the Will of God: (1) Declared - His Word; (2) Permissive - when we go astray; (3) Overruling (example Balaam in Num 22:1-41). When God works to guide us, He'll answer where, what, why, and how - the geographic, operational, motivational, and instructive Will of God. Why is always the same (2Co 5:14) - the love of Christ compels us. There are 7 things that are declared to be the Will of God: (1) We must be saved (2Pe 3:9, 1Ti 2:4); (2) We must be sanctified -- we must unconditionally surrender our lives into His hands (1Th 4:3). God guides surrendered people; (3) We must be empowered through spirituality (Eph 5:18, Gal 5:16); (4) God wants us to surrender ourselves as a sacrifice (Rom 6:13, Rom 12:1); (5) God wants our service to Him and other people (Rom 7:6, Gal 5:13); (6) It is God's Will for us to suffer (1Pe 3:17, 1Pe 4:12, 1Pe 4:19, Jam 1:2-4). He is preparing you so that when He speaks, you'll hear. God is the Redeemer of men and lives of failures. (7) God wants our stability in an unstable world (2Ti 1:7, Eph 6:14). We need to make a priority of what God makes a priorities. Warning: if you ignore the word of God through the week, we won't be guided by God (Col 3:16).

Scripture References: Galatians 5:16, Jeremiah 17:9, Acts 10:19, Romans 8:14, Ephesians 6:14, Acts 11:12, Amos 9:9, Ephesians 5:18, Acts 11:1-2, Acts 11:6, John 16:13, James 1:2-4, Ephesians 4:13, Isaiah 55:8-11, Numbers 22:1-41, Acts 11:5-7, Isaiah 30:21, Galatians 5:13, Acts 11:11, John 3:8, Acts 11:15-17, Acts 11:5, Psalms 32:8, Romans 7:6, Romans 10:17, John 7:17, Acts 11:12-16, Acts 11:5-18, Acts 22:10, Romans 12:1, Acts 11:7, Proverbs 3:5-6, Acts 11:12, Psalms 37:4, Romans 6:13, Romans 8:26, Romans 8:6, Colossians 3:16, James 4:13-15, Acts 11:7, Romans 12:1-2

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