Should Christians get involved in supporting or celebrating Christmas? Have you ever heard that argument? Why in the world would Christians want to get involved in something that was really a “pagan holiday,” that we the Church co-opted? So for those critics, I have three points.
Number one: Do you give your kids birthday gifts? You celebrate your kids birthdays, why not celebrate the birth of the Savior? If we’re not going to do it now, when would you decide to do it? That would be a question.
Secondly, in 1st Corinthians 9:22, Paul says, “I became all things to all men, that by all means I may win some.” I can’t think of a time, and I doubt that you could think of a time in the year when there is more focus on the birth of Jesus Christ. Once a year, the world is confronted with the reality of His coming. And I think that’s great!
The third point is in Matthew 16:18,where Jesus said, “On this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” The idea is not that we are holding out against the world. The idea is that we are assaulting a world and they cannot overwhelm us. They cannot withstand the assault of the Church. The very fact that you and I are here, 2000 years after the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, is evidence of that. The world has done everything it can to squash the message, destroy the Word, and intimidate believers. Yet, all around the world today there are those who are singing praise, spreading the Word and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. So, if we co-opt or take over Christmas, that’s what we’re supposed to do. We’re supposed to seize the gates of the enemy. This is why we’re here and why this season is so important.

Gene Cunningham - September 11, 2000

Elijah #9

Jesus speaks of prayer with tremendous confidence we often lack (Mat 7:7-12). Lord always places emphasis on the answers which will always be the best. If we ask for His kindness, goodness, compassion, grace, we must reflect those characteristics that we depend upon from Him when relating to others. Failure to act in accordance with what we know about Him in effect deprives us of fellowship with Him and interferes with the answers we seek in prayer. Elijah prayed for three and a half years (1Ki 18:41-46, Jam 5:17-18). Jesus uses verb tenses that mean "ask and keep on asking". Asking according to His will is paramount (1Jo 5:14-15). (1) Pray demands isolation from distraction (1Ki 18:41). (2) Praying God's Word - His promises - is necessary (1Ki 18:41-42). (3) Prayer expresses dependence on God. Elijah recognizes the conditions of God's promises -- timing depends upon prayer. He knows God will send rain, but doesn't know when. Jesus commands to pray always (Luk 18:1). (3) We need to expect an answer (1Ki 18:43). (5) Pray perseveres until the answer comes (1Th 5:17, Luk 18:1, Mat 26:41 - "Watch and pray"). God can answer far above what we can think (Eph 3:19-20). (6) P prayer includes suitable action (1Ki 18:44-45, 1Pe 1:18). We rejoice in our tribulation -- outcome is up to God, but will always glorify Christ (Rom 5:3, Phi 1:20). We must "gird up" with truth (Eph 6:14) (7) prevailing prayer empowers us spiritually. Elijah ran ahead - "the hand of the Lord was upon him" because the ear of the Lord was attentive (Neh 2:18). We can run th race of faith (1Ki 18:46) or race of unbelief (1Ki 19:1-3). Outline of 1 Kings 19: (1) 1Ki 19:1-18 fear and flight; (2) 1Ki 19:8-18 correction; (3) 1Ki 19:19-21 greater service. Those who've not stared into the glare of Satan through his human instrument. Elijah knows he had been set up for sifting. As God allows the weakness of the saint surface, He never stops providing (Heb 1:14). Sooner or later, confrontation is coming. In us dwells no good thing; refining produces a sense of dependence.

Scripture References: Hebrews 1:14, Luke 18:1, Nehemiah 2:18, Luke 18:1, Ephesians 6:14, John 5:14-15, Philippians 1:20, James 5:17-18, Romans 5:3, Matthew 7:7-12, Ephesians 3:19-20, Matthew 26:41

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