Mary was set apart from every other woman in history. We don’t worship her. She’s not the mother of the deity of God. But we reverent her for the place and the calling that God had on her life. We are not so different from Mary. That might sound like heresy at first, but let me show you ways that we are like Mary, the mother of Jesus.

First of all, like Mary, we are called into service by God. In Luke Chapter one, she’s being called into a place of surrender and service with assurances of God’s grace and favor. Well, we too are called into a life of surrender and service. He has a work for us to do. 2nd Timothy 1:9, “by his power He has saved us and called us to a holy life, not because of anything that we have done, but because of His own purpose and grace.

The second thing, just like Mary, we carry Jesus within us. Mary carried the Lord in her womb for nine months. What an honor that was. But from the point that we believe in Jesus Christ, we are indwelt with the Spirit of Christ for our whole Christian life. Romans eight says that we are indwelt by the Spirit of Christ. Galatians 2:20 “I have been crucified with Christ; It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me.” What an honor.

Number three. Just like Mary, we are His family. As Jesus was teaching near the Sea of Galilee, a crowd surrounded him. Someone said, “Your mother and brothers are here and they want to see you.” Jesus answered, “my mother and my brothers are these that hear the word of God, and do it. For whoever does the will of God, he is my brother and sister and mother.” Certainly Mary was blessed among all women for the privilege of being the Mother of Messiah, but the blessings also fall on us when we hear God’s Word and we obey it in our life.

And then John, chapter 19 is one of the most touching moments in Scripture. Jesus is in the middle of shame, in the middle of indescribable suffering, He says, “Woman, behold your son. Son, behold your mother.” Jesus was thinking of His mother with love and compassion in His heart. But on that cross, Jesus was also thinking of you and me. Hebrews 12 tells us that “for the joy set before him, He endured the cross, despising the shame.” What was the joy set before him? You were that joy. I was that joy. He willingly took on the pain and suffering for our sin. Thinking of the joy of bringing us into His family forever.

How precious are you to the Lord? There’s no room in our life for shame, for the feelings of guilt or worthlessness. Because God has raised us up to this blessed position. Doesn’t that change the way you think about yourself? We are his family members of His royal family —citizens of Heaven. That’s a high calling!

Notes: Jesus was the Ultimate Gift. Learn about “The Gift” >>>HERE<<<. This video was derived from “A Treasure in My Heart,” a talk Nan gave to the ladies of Living Truth Preston church at their Christmas luncheon >>>HERE<<<