The prophet grapples with the “mysteries of Providence,” and the age-old dilemma of reconciling the presence of evil with the existence of a good and all-powerful God. This is called “theodicy,” the “vindication of the justice and goodness of God in spite of the existence of evil in the world” (Webster’s Dictionary). Habakkuk clearly declares that the ultimate resolution of the dilemma is found only by a living faith (Hab 2:4) in a loving God (Hab 3:13).

This book contains the notes from the Orange County, California Bible conference held in August 2010.

Habukkuk – The Just Shall Live by Faith – Glendale, AZ 2010

Gene Cunningham - June 9, 2000

Life of Moses #4

You can trust in man or God (Jer 17:5-8); Moses failed originally by trusting in man to deliver Israel (Act 7:25). Three elements of deliverence: (1) there must be a divine commission - God's order, power and in His way (Exo 4:18-23). Moses starts out right orienting to authority; (2) there must be personal refining (Exo 4:24). The Lord "meets Moses at the inn to kill him" because Moses' bitterness for 40 years (Heb 12:14-15, 1Jo 5:16, Eze 18:31-32); Moses was on the verge of the sin unto death (1Co 5:1-5, Jam 5:19-20, 2Sa 12:13, Psa 118:17-18). God promised Abraham in Gen 15:16 but Moses violated Gen 17:14 - his son was not circumcisized (Exo 4:24); circumcision is a sign or regenerating faith (Rom 4:11); (3) collective unity - the formation of a team (Exo 4:27-31, Luk 10:1)

Scripture References: Acts 7:25, James 5:19-20, Exodus 4:27-31, Jeremiah 17:5-8, Ezekiel 18:31-32, Romans 4:11, John 5:16, Exodus 4:24, Hebrews 12:14-15, Genesis 17:14, Exodus 4:24, Genesis 15:16, Exodus 4:18-23, Psalms 118:17-18, Luke 10:1

From Series: "Life of Moses"

After 40 years in the Egyptian palace then 40 years in the desert then 40 years leading Israel to their land Moses' life can actually teach us about living in the time we live.

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