The prophet grapples with the “mysteries of Providence,” and the age-old dilemma of reconciling the presence of evil with the existence of a good and all-powerful God. This is called “theodicy,” the “vindication of the justice and goodness of God in spite of the existence of evil in the world” (Webster’s Dictionary). Habakkuk clearly declares that the ultimate resolution of the dilemma is found only by a living faith (Hab 2:4) in a loving God (Hab 3:13).

This book contains the notes from the Orange County, California Bible conference held in August 2010.

Habukkuk – The Just Shall Live by Faith – Glendale, AZ 2010

Gene Cunningham - September 25, 2003

Ezekiel #21

Ezekiel #21

Coming of the Lord is different for believers verses unbelievers — some are refined; some are judged (2Th 1:4-9, 1Pe 4:17). Ezekiel prophecies of 586 BC Nebuchadnezzar destroying Jerusalem. The fire consumes His own people (Eze 19:12); fire has destroyed His people's fruit (Eze 19:14). He shall be called a Nazarene - "branch" (Mat 2:23) . "Our God is a consuming fire" — believers are warned (Heb 12:29, Heb 6:8, Heb 10:27). Fire is a figure for the Holiness of God consuming everything that is opposed to it, and refining things consistent with it (Heb 12:25-29). The first action God takes with an unproductive believer is to lift them up and prune or cleanse (Joh 15:2). God's second action with an unproductive branch is temporal judgment (Joh 15:6, 1Jo 5:16). Jesus takes Ezekiel's words (Eze 15:6, Eze 16:40, Eze 17:9). We have an inheritance (1Pe 1:3-8) that can be increased but not decreased (Rom 8:17). God deals with His own people here and now. The holiness of God demands refining of us (1Co 11:32). A believer can have all his work completely consumed -- ministry in the energy of the flesh (1Co 3:9-17). Moses learned of the fire of God, representing God's Holiness (Exo 3:1-4). The bush didn't burn because God's fire needs no fuel; we are a branch or vessel. God gave Moses a mission to accomplish. "Holy ground" represents sanctification in Moses' life. God's work is His work, not ours; we're not indispensable. Only God could accomplish the deliverance of His people (Exo 3:7-8). Moses had learned the lesson (Exo 3:10, Num 12:3). Paul recorded similar accomplishment (1Co 15:10). is the fire of God a cause of fear or encouragement?

Scripture References: Hebrews 10:27, Ezekiel 16:40, Numbers 12:3, Hebrews 6:8, Ezekiel 15:6, Exodus 3:10, Hebrews 12:29, John 5:16, Exodus 3:7-8, Matthew 2:23, John 15:6, Exodus 3:1-4, Ezekiel 19:14, John 15:2, Romans 8:17, Ezekiel 19:12, Hebrews 12:25-29, Ezekiel 17:9

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