Greetings from Singapore!
Nan and I have just enjoyed two wonderful weeks with our extended clan in Australia. It is always wonderful to catch up with our Aussie family, and see how much the grand-kids are growing and developing. We always leave with heavy hearts as the time allotted seems to go so quickly. I guess it’s the price we pay for dragging our family half-way around the world, then moving on while leaving them to develop their own lives on the other side of the planet! However, we are so blessed to see God’s faithfulness being demonstrated in their lives, careers, and families.
Included in this report is a video/slide show put together by my sister, Cathy Lee, who came along for the Nagaland portion of the journey. We had very profitable ministry as a team, including my sister Cathy, Blair and Aurora, and myself. We first visited the Bethel Children’s Home being developed by Throngi and his wife, Ayangla, in Teunsang. Fourteen children, some who had been terribly abused and deprived, now have a happy home where they are loved, fed and clothed, and taught the wonderful truths of the Word of God. Three sacrificial young women stay busy with the care and teaching of these precious children. They are Akhum (the warden and Bible teacher), Sotsula (school teacher), and Asang (cook and cleaner). They dedicate themselves to full-time service—without pay—to love and care for these little lives. Please pray for them.
We moved on to Kihoto Theological College in the beautiful mountains for three full days of teaching, training, and worship with the 102 students of the school. They are always so shy when we arrive, then they cling to us and cry when we leave them. Blair and I taught classes from 1st and 2nd Peter, while Cathy and Aurora did classes on teaching children, and Cathy presented a very good class on the biblical approach to conflict resolution.
Our next stop was Y Aunre village, the oldest Naga village in the land. While Cathy and Aurora taught a small group of children, Blair and I spoke to the 100 or so gathered young men and women. All of this, of course, followed the wonderful feast the ladies had prepared for us, which is the custom everywhere we go in Nagaland. Then on to Chessor village and town (two separate churches) where Blair and I taught pastors for two days, while Cathy and Aurora had some packed and rowdy children’s ministry. Our main goal here was to join in the Golden Jubilee, celebrating 50 years of Christian faith in this area, and to dedicate the beautiful new church building, which was the result of gracious gifts given to BTBM by Grace Bible Church of Hot Springs, under Pastor Mark Goad, and individuals who prefer to remain anonymous. This gift made it possible to replace an old and dilapidated church with a wonderful new facility. All of the 500 to 600 believers who gathered for the three-day celebration thanked and praiseed God for faithfully hearing their prayers, and for the saints whose sacrificial gifts made the new church possible.
While the journey into and out of Eastern Nagaland is supposed to be by helicopter, we had to make the grueling journey by vehicle. You would have to experience it to appreciate it! Yet, what could have been a hardship, turned into a rollicking, Naga “road-trip,” with jokes and laughter all the way. How thankful we are for God’s faithful protection on the rugged and winding mountain roads! And I thank God for providing me with faithful, cheerful co-workers, whose joy in the journey never flags.
Nan met me in Australia, and now we are going back into Asia for ten days of teaching and training with hundreds of believers. We will report more fully upon our return. In the meantime, enjoy the slideshow, as I believe it will give a far better report than I am able to do with words. Thank you for your prayers and financial support, without which none of these amazing spiritual feats could be accomplished. We are the grateful recipients of your supply, and we seek to faithfully invest your offerings for eternity. Our constant desire is that when you arrive in the Kingdom, you will see that your gifts and prayers have been fruitful beyond all expectations!
Laboring for the harvest,
Gene and Nan Cunningham