Papua New Guinea Mission Report
January 7-20, 2007
First Ese Bible Institute Graduation

We had the great joy of participating in the first graduating class from the Ese Bible Institute in Papua New Guinea. Thirty five men, and one woman made up this class of Managalasi graduates. The celebration was attended by over 1,000 villagers from across the region. Traditional dancers in cultural dress led the procession to the graduation site. A number of speakers addressed the crowd. One in particular seemed to capture the mood. Pastor Thompson said, “Among the nations of the world, Papua New Guinea is the least of the nations. Within the country of PNG Oro Province is the least of all the provinces. And in Oro province, the least of all the people are the Managlasi people. Yet God has placed the Ese Bible Institute here, to show that the last shall be first." 
Following the ceremony hundreds of Ese Bibles, the translation which Jim and Jaki Parlier dedicated their lives to produce, were handed out to eager hands, to be carried back to the homes and villages of these precious people. We continue to count it a gift of God’s grace to be part of this great work. We ask that you lift up these graduates in your prayers, that they will go out with our Lord’s mandate to “make disciples of all nations”, according to the revealed plan, “first in Numba, then in Oro province, then throughout PNG, and unto the uttermost parts of the world.”
Continuing Bible Course Instruction
The classes of the Bible Training Center for Pastors continue to be taught at the Institute to a new group of students. We thank God for the many teachers he has provided for this work. Logan Carnell took his first session this trip, teaching Personal Spiritual Life. He did an excellent job, and was a hit with the students. His work skills as “Loggin’ Logan” became evident when a large tree needed removal to make room for the new guest house. He climbed the tree with a make-shift belt of nylon rope and a hand axe, and in short order systematically demolished the tree. What a cheer went up when the jungle giant came crashing down! Roger Thiele from Curlew, Washington is teaching the students the February session, to be followed up by Pastor Jamie Short of Looma, Australia in March. Please pray for students and teachers as valuable Biblical instruction continues to bless these indigenous people.
After we left the village by missionary flight, Monte and Joe remained behind for a five day trek through the jungles to visit other villages and to teach adult and children’s Bible classes. What an adventure for their first missionary trip overseas.
Australia Church Visit
After leaving PNG Nan and I took a week to visit the Cross Road Bible Church congregation in Western Australia. We had a wonderful, but short, reunion with our dear friends, and Pastor Jared and wife Tiersa Donigian. I was given opportunity to teach to four different groups and ask that you continue to lift up the saints in Forrestfield and Mundaring (under Jared), as well as Rockingham and Ocean View (under Peter Beringer). The Forrestfield group will lose their meeting place this coming June, so we ask that you pray for guidance in finding another venue. Pray also for Tiersa that she will have a safe pregnancy and healthy delivery after experiencing a miscarriage last year.
Upcoming Missions/Prayer Requests
We have a very busy year shaping up. In March we will go to central Asia. We need your prayers that we will be allowed to visit a restricted and remote area to teach students in a Bible College there. Soon after returning home we will leave for ministry in a dominant Islamic area. We ask that you pray for open hearts and a clear proclamation of the Gospel of the grace of God. This ministry will be followed in May by the annual children’s programs in India under Nan’s leadership. Pray for her and the entire team (Kim, Des, Janet and Annemaree) as they prepare to present the love of God to thousands of Indian children.
From our Mailbag
From a Pastor in Nigeria: “I borrowed this book from a friend…it is thrilling and expository. Some (time) ago I was brought in contact with some Christians in Libya from different nationalities including Israelis, “rightly dividing the word of truth”. The source from which they got their teaching is predominantly “The Basics”. We kindly plead that you send us (more) books”.
From a student in India: “Respected Sir, though I am studying my M.Div. course, because of financial problems, I am studying as a work scholarship student, and I do not have any books for my personal study…because I am not able to buy books for my study. By the grace of God I came to know about your Mission. I therefore humbly request your kind consideration to support me and send me some books, for the extension of the kingdom of God.”.
From a Mother in Georgia: “Thank you so much for your ministry. My son used the Basics books to teach a Bible study in Iraq last year and these latest ones are going to a friend in Afghanistan this year.”
We ask that you continue to pray for God’s continued supply that we might send out the multitude of books which are requested on a weekly basis. I give my books away free. Anything in them of God is a gift of grace, and not mine to claim. Anything in them of me is not worth paying for!
Our love and appreciation goes out to each one of you who faithful pray, encourage and support so that this ministry may continue to the glory of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Stand firm in Him!
Gene Cunningham