Ephesians is a “Prison Epistle,” along with Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon (see Eph 3:1, Eph 4:1, and Eph 6:20). Written by Paul from Rome, the epistle expands on themes in Colossians, much as Romans does to Galatians. Whereas Colossians develops the all-sufficiency of Christ to the Church, Ephesians shows the blessings of that “fullness” enjoyed by the members of God’s family. The idea of unity resulting from reconciliation runs strong through the book (Eph 1:9-10; Eph 2:16-18; Eph 3:4-6; Eph 4:3-6; Eph 5:30-32; Eph 6:18-20). It is possible that the epistle was actually a circular letter to the churches of Asia. Paul’s goal is to inform the saints of their privileged status and exhort them to live in a way worthy of their standing.

Ephesians – Positions of Privilege in the Household of Faith – Colorado 2010

Gene Cunningham - June 9, 2003

Ephesians #1

Ephesians #1

Eph 1:1-14 introduction -- the wealth of the believer in Christ. Ephesians was written during Paul's imprisonment (Act 18:19-21, Act 19:1-10, Col 4:7-9). Outline: (1) knowing (chapters 1-3) and (2) doing (chapters 4-6). Theme: blessings we have in Christ (Eph 1:3). Other key verses: by Grace through faith (Eph 2:8); come to know the love of Christ and be filled with the fullness of God (Eph 3:19); walk worthy of the calling with which we are called (Eph 4:1); filling by the Spirit (Eph 5:18); stand against the devil (Eph 6:10-11). Our wealth in Christ is illustrated throughout Ephesians (Eph 1:3, Eph 1:7, Eph 2:4, Eph 2:7, Eph 3:8). "Fullness" -- of times (Eph 1:10); of Him who fills all in all (Eph 1:23); of God (Eph 3:19); of Christ (Eph 4:13); filled with the Spirit (Eph 5:18). Power -- our abundant resources available (Eph 1:19). To be an apostle Paul had to have seen the resurrected Lord, exercise all spiritual gifts, and had direct revelation from God. Apostleship ended with John around A.D. 96. The Holy Spirit has five works in relation to God's Word: revelation (2Ti 3:16, Mat 4:4), inspiration (2Pe 1:21), preservation (Mat 24:35), illumination (Eph 1:18, Eph 3:19), and application (Gal 5:16). If God has poured out so many blessings on us, our resources are sufficient, and therefore, we must be thankful.

Scripture References: Ephesians 2:8, Ephesians 3:19, Ephesians 1:7, Ephesians 3:19, Ephesians 1:3, Ephesians 1:18, Ephesians 1:3, Ephesians 1:23, Colossians 4:7-9, Matthew 24:35, Ephesians 6:10-11, Ephesians 1:10, Acts 19:1-10, Matthew 4:4, Ephesians 5:18, Ephesians 3:8, Acts 18:19-21, Ephesians 1:19, Ephesians 4:1, Ephesians 2:7, Ephesians 1:1-14, Ephesians 5:18, Ephesians 3:19, Galatians 5:16, Ephesians 2:4, Ephesians 4:13

From Series: "Ephesians"

More than any book Ephesians reveals the blessings from God based on our relationship with Jesus Christ by grace through faith. Eph 1:3 is the a key verse. Other key verses by chapter include Eph 2:8 Eph 3:19 Eph 4:1 Eph 5:18 and Eph 6:10-11.

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