Gene Cunningham lead a men’s study at the Cross and Spurs Cowboy Church on Saturday, February 21, 2015. He also gave the message “Courage According to the Savior” on Sunday morning at the church.
“When I am afraid, I will trust in You.” Psa 56:3






Courage in Crisis — Texas Men’s Group 2015

Gene Cunningham - September 15, 2003

Daniel #21

Daniel #21

Prophecy for Israel of 70 weeks of sabbatical years - 490 year period (Dan 9:24). The Jews violated the sabbatical year not allowing the land to rest every 7 years. First 69 weeks covered -- from the decree to restore Jerusalem given March 14, 445 BC by Artaxerxes (Neh 2:1, Dan 9:25) forward 69 weeks, 483 weeks of years later. The triumphal entry of "Messiah the Prince" (Dan 9:25) April 6, 32 A.D. prophesied by Daniel. One week is left. Messiah will be cut off (Dan 9:26) and destruction of the city. Current church age time "war and desolation". Antichrist rise and defeat is prophesied (Dan 9:27, 2Th 2:3-8). Sermon on the mount content relates to the Kingdom Age - Christ offering the kingdom (Mat 4:23-25). Olivette discourse concerns Israels dispersion, tribulation, and restoration (Matt 24-25, Luke 21, Mar 13). Upper Room discourse is Church Age truth (John 13-17) including confession (Joh 13), the rapture (Joh 14:1-6, 1Th 4:13-18), the coming of the Spirit (John 14, 16), positional truth (John 15), coming persecution (Joh 16:1-6), and His high priestly office (John 17). The Olivette discourse (Mat 24:1-51) was given after rejection of Messiah, prophecy of desolation, and prophesy of a time lapse until he comes again(Mat 23:37-39). Disciples ask when will the temple be destroyed, what the sign of his coming, and the sign of the end of the age (Mat 24:1-3). A warning of deception precedes Jesus' answer (Mat 24:4-8). Christ's answer to "when will these things be?" is in Luk 21:20-24, referring to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. Christ's answer to "what will be the sign of your coming?" is in Mat 24:29-31. "Tribulation" is defined by the Lord to be two time periods in (Mat 24:9-28). John describes the tribulation (Rev 6:12-17, Rev 19:11-16, Joe 2:30-31, Luk 21:25-28). John the Baptist predicts the baptism of the Spirit and fire to occur after the resurrection and at the second advent respectively (Mat 3:10-12).

Scripture References: Revelation 19:11-16, Daniel 9:27, Matthew 23:37-39, Revelation 6:12-17, Daniel 9:26, Matthew 24:1-51, Matthew 24:9-28, Daniel 9:25, John 16:1-6, Matthew 24:29-31, Daniel 9:25, Matthew 3:10-12, John 14:1-6, Luke 21:20-24, Nehemiah 2:1, Luke 21:25-28, John 4:23-17, Matthew 24:4-8, Daniel 9:24, Joel 2:30-31, Matthew 4:23-25, Matthew 24:1-3

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