BTBM Ministry Update
May 3, 2010
Biblical Chivalry Conference
The Arizona weekend conference of 23-25 April was well attended, drawing conferees from as far as Texas, California, and Colorado. Some who came are in serious danger of becoming “conference junkies,” as they have attended several of the recent conferences around the country. It is always a great personal joy for me to gather with serious students of the Scriptures for a weekend of concentrated Bible study.
At the same time, I always leave from each conference knowing that I had so much more material than I was able to fit into the eight hours allotted. I can only trust that the Spirit of God will multiply the small offering of “loaves and fishes” that I am able to bring to the banquet table, and continue to enrich the souls and lives of those who attend. As I try to remind the gathering at every conference, the goal of our weekend assembly is changed lives. Apart from conformity to the image of the glorious Person of the Lord Jesus Christ, our time is in vain. Knowledge without transformation is only an incipient form of Gnosticism—unworthy of our calling and our Lord.
Chivalry had no basis in history apart from the Word of God. The chivalry that flourished in Medieval times originated in the knowledge that man was created in God’s image, and was, by regeneration, to be a reflection of the Great Knight from Heaven—Jesus Christ. It was recognized, in those dark and dangerous times, that men must rise to the call of the age. The brotherhood of the knightly order set a standard of personal purity, valiant courage, ferocity in battle, and care for the weak and oppressed. The knight was considered an emissary of the Church; he was committed to vows of personal sacrifice, benevolent giving, and to never, ever, turn aside from a fight in which his presence and arms were the only hope of deliverance from the brutality, plunder, violence, and rapacious crimes carried out by gangs of ruthless marauders.
Today we are living in the beginnings of a new Dark Age. We know from the Scriptures that we are entering the grim night leading into the Tribulation period. While we look and long "for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ" (Tit 2:13), it is foolish to think that we, of all the believers throughout history, shall escape the hardships of our time. For many years, I have been convinced that the “hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world” (Rev 3:10) is speaking of the pre-Tribulation time, as the world sinks toward the final great conflict of history.
As we observe the combination of startling events rocking our world at present: the continued drive of Iran for nuclear weapons, the pathetic incompetence of Western leaders due to political correctness and lack of moral clarity, the nations of the world reeling under self-induced economic collapse due to out-of-control spending, earthquakes, volcanoes, oil-rig disasters, etc., we see the potential for all these combined factors having a collective disastrous effect on our world. We could well be on our way to TEOTWAWKI (the end of the world as we know it). To the unsaved soul, this creates a climate of fear and dread. For the child of God by faith in Jesus Christ, these factors should only act as a catalyst to drive us to rest in the Rock of our salvation. We are born for these times! Our lives have enormous latent power due to the indwelling of the Spirit of God and our possession of the “Word of God which lives and abides forever” (1Pe 1:23). We have been called for this purpose—that we might proclaim the glories of Christ to a lost and perishing world, and be living examples of His transforming power.
I challenge each one who hears these lessons on Biblical Chivalry to take them to heart. We need men and women today—as never before—who are living according to the biblical mold. You do not need anyone to dub you a “knight” or a “shield-maiden.” Christ has called us into the conflict of the ages. Now is the time for us to take our calling seriously! For, as the Apostle Paul has said,
“The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off
the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light. Put
on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh,
to fulfill its lusts.” Rom 13:12–14
During the conference, I referred those present to several good books. One that I failed to mention may be of special interest to men raising sons (although the principles hold true as well for daughters, let’s not forget), is the book Raising a Modern-Day Knight by Robert Lewis. I highly recommend this book for you dads out there. It may be of inestimable value in your ministry of fatherhood.
India Children’s Bible School Report
Nan has called several times to report on the progress of the children’s programs. She is excited about the opportunity to reach so many children and will give a full report upon her return. However, today (Monday) is the beginning of the big programs in the central India. As an added bonus, the venue for the program is right across from one of the impoverished slum areas that she has such a burden for. These children grow up in make-shift tents or shacks in incredible poverty. Most cannot go to school and often enter the workforce as small children, breaking rocks for road building and other hard labor. Please pray that many of these children will be able to attend the programs.
Also pray for strength, wisdom, health, and protection from persecution for Nan, Annemaree and her daughter Sarah, Kim, Janet, Jackie, Des and daughter Mikel. These ladies (and girls) are on the front lines of the spiritual battle for the next two weeks. Please remember to lift them up in your prayers daily. As well, remember Pastor J. F. and his great team, who always do such a great work in prayer, preparation, and care. Thank you for supporting our various ministries!
With gratitude and joy,