Australia Prayer Update
March 2008
“Let the heavens, the earth, the waters with all their creatures and all those
here present witness that I, Captain Pedro Fernandez de Quiros…in the
Name of Jesus Christ…hoist this emblem of the Holy Cross on which His
Person was crucified and whereon He gave His life for the ransom and
remedy of all the human race…on this day of Pentecost, 14 May 1606..I take
possession of all this part of the South as far as the pole in the name of Jesus.
which from now on shall be called the Southern land of the Holy Ghost..and
this always and forever…to the end that to all natives, in all the said lands,
the holy evangel may be preached zealously and openly.”
So proclaimed the discoverer of La Australia del Espiritu Santo, “The South Land of the Holy Spirit”, which came to be known as Australia. How we continue to pray that his vision may become an ever greater reality, and that God will raise up a new army of spiritual adventurers, who will make Australia a missionary training and sending center for the light of the good news of Jesus Christ.
After posting my last mission prayer letter I heard from a former Bible student in Australia. Peter Beringer and his wife Zoe are now serving the church in Rockingham, Western Australia, about 20 miles south of Perth. This church began as a home study outreach from Cross Road Bible church, and has now grown into a strong local church. I appreciate Peter’s reminder not to forget the prayer requests of the ministries that continue to grow and serve in Australia.
1. Jared and Tiersa Donigian, Cross Road Bible Church.    This group has moved into a building in Midland, W.A. Pray for Jared as he continues to put into practice the skills learned at Chafer Seminary. The growing pains of a new pastor and his family can be known only by those who have stood in that place. Jared and Tiersa have an Aussie-born son, Aram Charles, named for Jareds’ brother who is serving in the U.S. Army. Pray for God’s grace to continue to strengthen Jared in his study and teaching, and that the church will continue “holding fast the word of life, so that I may rejoice in the day of Christ that I have not run in vain or labored in vain.” (Phi 2:16). Every year a team from CRBC goes to help with the Aboriginal Youth Camp hosted by Jamie and Natasha in the far north.
2. Jamie and Natasha Short, Looma Community.    The work among the Aboriginal people of Northern W.A. continues under the care of this unique couple. Jamie attended Cross Road church for several years, finally serving as my assistant pastor, before he and Natasha married and took the work in Looma, an Aboriginal community. They have two children, Sophia and Solomon. In addition to the work among the Aboriginal believers, Jamie has been a faithful helper in PNG, going once a year to teach at Ese Bible Institute. Just this month Jamie took his family with him for the annual course he teaches. He reports that the session in PNG was well received among the new intake of students. They request prayer for the upcoming Aboriginal youth Camp in July, and for his expanding ministry among Aboriginal believers, especially fostering harmony and teamwork among various churches.
3. Daniel and Katie Zanich, returning to Australia.     Daniel (our son-in-law) will complete his studies with Chafer Seminary in May, and they will be returning to Australia sometime after that.  They need prayer for guidance regarding the will of God in their placement and ministry. The next two months will be critical as Daniel finishes up his language studies and they prepare to return “down under”. Katie hopes to continue to work “from a distance” with some of the companies she has served in the field of graphic design. This would provide some income for them while they get located and started in ministry. Pray for their relocation and ministry.

4. Peter and Zoe, Rockingham.     In addition to a growing ministry, this couple have a growing family as well, with children Jonathan and Abigail. Peter always expressed his goal in ministry as being, “The communication of sound doctrine in the “koine” Aussie language”. Please pray for them and their church as they proclaim the word in their area. Peter also leads a home study in the Northern suburbs of Perth.

  5. Mundaring Bible Study group.   The Bible study group continues in Mundaring at the home of Lester and Betty Hewitt. This is the beautiful spot we used during our stay for baptisms in their private lake. The group is committed to maintain a witness and outreach in this hill town 30 miles from Perth, and meets for DVD Bible studies twice a week. Please pray for them as they seek to shine the light of bible truth in their area of the harvest-field.

6.  Wil and Kristy Cunningham, Sydney.  Our son Wil and his beautiful wife Kris are loving the joys of parenthood as little Arelina (6months old) continues to brighten their lives.  Please pray for Wil in his Phd studies at University of New South Wales.  They are also attending a church in the Sydney area with some opportunities to occasionally teach the Word of God in home Bible study settings.  Remember them in prayer that they may stand firm in their faith and be diligent in preparation for further ministry.  

Each of these ministry teams continue to pray for us, and the Cross Road Church is our sending church in Australia. I am scheduled to return in August and teach while Jared and Tiersa return to the States for visits with friends and family. Please remember each of these families and groups in your prayers, and pray that the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the sound teaching of God’s word may continue to impact the nation of Australia.  

By Grace alone,

Gene and Nancy Cunningham