Asia/Australia Mission Report
January/February 2012
“Beloved, you do faithfully whatever you do for the brethren and for strangers, who have borne witness of your love before the church. If you send them forward on their journey in a manner worthy of God, you will do well, because they went forth for His name’s sake, taking nothing from the Gentiles. We therefore ought to receive such, that we may become fellow workers for the truth.” 3Jo 5–8
It has been some time since we have reported on our activities. This is due to six weeks overseas, followed by a Bible conference upon our return. Much has happened since our last communication, so we’ll make an attempt to bring you up to date with the ministry and our movements over the past two months.
Florida Bible Conference
The above Scripture came up in our recent Bible Conference at Grace Doctrine Church, under Pastor John Voisey, in Clearwater, Florida. Attendance was increased considerably since last year, with fellow believers coming from many other states. Our study was entitled, “In The Fellowship of the King,” covering 2 and 3 John. Since detailed notes will be posted with the audio, I will not go into detail about the study itself.
I use the quote above as a “thank you” to Pastor Voisey, his dear wife Sheila, and the entire church for their hospitality, support, and fellowship. We were graciously received and cared for in the home of Mike and Helen Horton. The church made “The fellowship of our King” a living reality by their efforts to supply all attendees with every provision and comfort during our stay. The studies were well received, and the above verses are a living testament to the way in which faithful believers, like Gaius whom John is addressing, can become faithful and effective “fellow-workers for the truth,” at home and around the world.
Just one week before being in Florida, we returned from a six week journey in Asia and Australia. I might add just a word about my “vague” references to places visited. It is becoming more and more evident to us that foreign governments—hostile to Christian ministry—are searching the web for information on ministries that are carrying out work among their people. The web is a wonderful tool, but, like any tool it can also be dangerous. Thus, my caution.
During our time in Perth we were able to catch up with Daniel, Katie, and little Max Squire (8 months young), as well as Gavin (who is in his third year at university). Then, in Sydney we had a wonderful stay with Wil, Kristy and spunky little Ari (four) and rambunctious Ashiel (one). It is a great joy to see that “my children walk in truth” (3Jo 4), but it is a constant sorrow to us to only see children and grandchildren once or, at most, twice, a year. However, we thank God that they continue to grow in the Word, and build their families around Jesus Christ.
I had the joy of teaching twice at Cross Road Bible Church and enjoyed brief fellowship with our old congregation. How we miss each of them as well, and every time we return, it’s as if we had never left. The church continues to grow, though they are still without a pastor. Members of the board, however, continue to teach and lead the congregation faithfully. We ask that you pray for them and for the supply of God’s man in His perfect timing.
We were also able to return to Canberra for our second Bible conference—this time on the little book of Micah. This was quite an undertaking, to teach through a book of prophecy over a weekend. Again, we had people coming from as far as Perth and Brisbane to be with us, and I trust that a new understanding and appreciation for Micah’s prophetic insights and spiritual challenges will continue to strengthen each one who attended. I thank Tanya Horton and her team for arranging the venue, providing great food and refreshments, and making everyone welcome. Again the audio, along with notes, should be up soon on our website.
India and Asia
We had the privilege of attending the graduation of 53 students and pastors from this past year’s course at Grace Bible College, under Pastor John Francis. We are so thankful for this ministry and the dedication to continued training of village pastors and outreach of the message of the love of Jesus Christ. Before the graduation, I was privileged to take the students through their last course in the book of Micah. Though parts were difficult to understand, they were encouraged by gaining a greater understanding of God’s faithfulness and the fast-approaching events of the end times. Nan took the pastors’ wives and lady students aside in the afternoons and enjoyed teaching them through Proverbs 31. Please continue to pray for PJF and his growing ministry, and for the students who have gone out in ministry and mission outreach.
We also had the opportunity to go into a remote area of Asia, to work with our beloved Lisu people. These believers gathered to a central location from their remote mountain villages—some walking as much as three days, then catching a bus to the meeting place. We met with 30 some pastors, evangelists, and missionaries who have never had the opportunity to gather at such a Bible conference. The students were most attentive. One of the highlights for me was toward the end, when I was approached by one of the acknowledged leaders. He said, “I have always resisted this teaching of the eternal security of the believer, but you have convinced me from the Bible that we are secure in Christ. It brings me a peace I have never known. Thank you!” Please lift up these brothers and sisters in Christ as they continue to serve in remote and dangerous areas for the cause of Christ. We hope to revisit them as soon as possible.
Papua New Guinea
We did not go to PNG this year, due to the wonderful fact that other faithful helpers had that ministry covered. The graduation this year was attended by Jamie and Natasha Short, with their children, Logan and Des Carnell, along with the most adventurous little missionary, Mikael, and Roger Thiele and his team. We are so thankful that the Lord has brought able and dedicated helpers into our sphere, to free us to go into new areas.
We ask that you please pray for Jim Parlier, as he continues to recover from a serious heart attack. Pray that the Lord will grant him health and strength to return to the people of Numba village. Remember also his dear lady, Jaki, as she also struggles with various health issues. Great things are being done among the Managalas people, and we ask that you remember them in your prayers.
Our appreciation goes out to each one of you who consistently pray and give to support the ministry of Basic Training Bible Ministries. God is faithful!
To His glory,
Gene and Nan