The epistle of Second Timothy is considered to be one of Paul’s most personal letters. He is writing during his second and final imprisonment to his trusted and beloved son in the faith. Paul knows his execution is imminent. His concern is not for himself, but for Timothy, who must continue in the spiritual battle. His theme, “the good soldier of Jesus Christ” follows that of first Timothy, “Fight the good fight” (1Ti 1:18; 1Ti 6:12).

2nd Timothy – The Good Soldier of Jesus Christ – Northern VA 2011

Gene Cunningham - April 15, 2011

Fight the Good Fight #1

Fight the Good Fight #1

Notes from the conference are .

10 Principles of Bible Study:

  1. Objective of Bible study is personal transformation.

  2. The ideal of the transformation is Jesus Christ

  3. The written Word conforms to the likeness of the Living Word.

  4. This transformation is a process of growth, not a single event.

  5. We cannot be transformed by what we don't utilize in life.

  6. You cannot apply what you do not remember.

  7. You will not remember what you cannot comprehend, define or explain.

  8. Sooner or later all of life is reduced down to its essence.

  9. The Bible is a book of books. It's best to understand it a book at a time.

  10. Every book has a theme, and the theme can be reduced to an outline.

Timothy is mentioned 25 times in the New Testament (Act 16:1-3). 1st Timothy has the theme "Fight the Good Fight". Believers are called to spiritual warfare (Eph 6:12-18). The theme verses are bookends (1Ti 1:18, 1Ti 6:12). Outline (with Key Verses): (1) Salvation (1Ti 1:15); (2) Priesthood (1Ti 2:5); (3) Leadership (1Ti 3:15); (4) Conformity (1Ti 4:8); (5) Teamwork (1Ti 5:17); (6) Victory (1Ti 6:11). 

"This is a faithful saying" means that it was a common saying at the time. Paul used it five times (1Ti 1:15, 1Ti 3:1, 1Ti 4:9, 2Ti 2:11 Tit 3:8). The cornerstone of scripture, doctrine, and revelation is the incarnation, life, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. "The Battle for Truth" (1Ti 1-11) is whatever battle you are fighting. Being defeated spiritually has eternal consequences. Different Greek words are used for "fight" in the theme verses: stratuo meaning "strategy in a campaign" in 1Ti 1:18 and agona meaning personal agony or struggle in 1Ti 6:12. In the battle, there's a chain of command and a supply line (1Ti 1:1-2). God the Father to Jesus Christ to Paul to Timothy to you and I. The supply line is faith, grace, mercy, hope and peace. When we lay hold of faith, we receive Grace. Grace is for all; Mercy is personal. We have hope because of mercy. Where there's hope, there is always peace. The supply line always remains open. 

Conference notes for this series can be found [HERE

From Series: "1st Timothy - Fight the Good Fight - Phoenix Arizona 2011"

Fight the Good Fight' was given in Phoenix AZ 2011.

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