Knowing God—A Study in 2nd Corinthians

Moving Beyond Knowledge into Experience—

Igniting the Tinder of Truth by the Fire of the Spirit

This conference was presented in Northern Virginia February 28–March 2, 2014.


“For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness,
who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge
of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” 2Co 4:6


Second Corinthians is much more than just a defense and vindication of Paul’s ministry. It expounds the foundation of his life and service in the experiential knowledge of God in all His varied manifestations to Paul. In other words, Paul was who he was, and did what he did, because he continued to grow in his knowledge of God. This knowledge was not merely intellectual or academic. Rather it was essentially experiential, as Paul came to know the living Christ in his daily life.

2nd Cornthians – Knowing God – 2014-Northern Virginia

Gene Cunningham - June 9, 2003

Ephesians #37

Ephesians #37

Sanctification (1Th 4:3) and filling of the Spirit (Eph 5:18) have the same means. Spiritual things of God demand the Spirit for understanding (1Co 2:9-16). Spiritual life is based on what God has done, not what we need to do. Spiritual life is a free gift (1Co 2:12), we receive as a blessing by supernatural power (1Co 2:14); it cannot be separated from the Word of God (1Co 2:13, 1Co 2:16). The Spirit is "like fire" - fire helps and is dangerous. Rom 8:1 "spirituality" sets us free. To be spiritual is to "set your mind on spiritual things" (Rom 8:5). Carnal mined is "living death" -- no abundant life (Rom 8:6). Spiritual life is submission to God (Rom 8:7). Being led by the Holy Spirit is an element of a spiritual life (Rom 8:14). Spirituality lessons in Jesus' changing water to wine: confession of need; submission to the Lord's authority; cleansing in view; obedience to His Word; radical transformation (Joh 2:1-10). John 13:1-17 is also a pattern of the spiritual life: Peter recognized his need, submits to Christ, gets cleansed. Prodigal son is also a pattern (Luk 15:11-24). When God restores the believer it is never partial: the robe signifies righteousness; the ring is the bank account; the sandals signify service; the feast signifies fellowship. Eph 5:18 is a comment on Paul's discussion on walking worthy. "And be not drunk with wine wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit". Drunkenness occurs after reception, gradual surrender to the power of the drink, control is turned over, then there is a change of personality. Results are three-fold (Col 3:16); inner joy, love, peace (Gal 5:22, Eph 5:19-21). (1) daily confession, (2) conscious surrender, (3) hunger for Word of God, (4) rest in faith (5) walk in the Spirit.

Scripture References: Romans 8:14, Galatians 5:22, Romans 8:7, Colossians 3:16, Romans 8:6, Ephesians 5:18, Romans 8:5, Luke 15:11-24, Romans 8:1, John 13:1-17, Ephesians 5:18, John 2:1-10, Ephesians 5:19-21

From Series: "Ephesians"

More than any book Ephesians reveals the blessings from God based on our relationship with Jesus Christ by grace through faith. Eph 1:3 is the a key verse. Other key verses by chapter include Eph 2:8 Eph 3:19 Eph 4:1 Eph 5:18 and Eph 6:10-11.

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