Fellow Bible Students,
There is one remaining fall 2022 Bible Conference event. Please register now for Idaho if you plan on attending. Get more detail by clicking on the poster. Please also enjoy the lessons from previous conferences list below.
Join Basic Training Bible Ministries at Deary Community Bible Church in Deary, Idaho on Saturday and Sunday, November 19-20, 2022 for “Biblical Meditation Revisited“. Deary Community Bible Church is located at 4981 Highway 8, Deary, Idaho. Nursery and children’s classes will be available both days. Contact Tiersa Donigian (208.669.1283 or jtdonigian@hotmail.com) to register or for more information. There is no cost for the conference attendees. DCBC website: www.dearycommunitybiblechurch.com.
Gene Cunningham - October 28, 2022
Victim or Victor? Session 1
From Series: "2022 AZ -- Victim or Victor?"
"Victim or Victor? -- Character Studies from the Life of David The culture of victimhood has been systematically taught in this country for the last 40 to 50 years. There are many in this country in middle age who have never learned to take responsibility for their decisions and actions. They have been indoctrinated to believe that self-control and hard work are demeaning, that everyone should get a prize, that their weaknesses and shortcomings are the fault of their environment, their heritage, or other people, and that it is the job of government to see that they do not suffer any adverse effects from them. The rallying cry of this generation is “No one should reap what they sow.” – G.C.
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Gene Cunningham - October 7, 2022
Habakkuk Session 1
From Series: "2022 PA -- When God Judges a Nation"
Gene taught at Abundant Life Church in Uniontown, PA Oct 7-9, 2022, a study of Habakkuk