John’s primary PURPOSE is that believers will enter and maintain fellowship with God, with the RESULT of inner joy.
His secondary PURPOSE is to give believers ASSURANCE of their salvation, with the RESULT that they will continue to live by faith.

 “That which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. And these things we write to you that our joy may be full … These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may [continue to] believe in the name of the Son of God.” 1Jo 1:3-4; 1Jo 5:13 (emphasis added)

This compilation of notes represents the truths found in the Epistle of First John.

Gene Cunningham - May 23, 2000

Living Sacrifice 12

Rom 12:1-2 contians 12 major doctrines and summarizes the book of Romans. Value of being "brethren" comes from Christ and emphasized throughout scripture(1Pe 1:22, Heb 2:18, Rom 8:1, Heb 4:16). Paul's value of the meaning of brotherhood is found in Romans chapter nine through eleven. Paul warned Israel continually of the need for faith. Paul calls on witnesses (2Co 13:1) -- Christ, the Holy Spirit, and his conscience -- to counter his accusers that he was a traitor (Rom 9:1) "Christ is the end of the law to those who have believed" (Rom 10:4). Paul had great anquish for the loss Israel had sustained because of unbelief. (Rom 9:2). We should have these feelings regarding others who don't believe. Paul had wished himself accursed (Rom 9:3), but something stopped him (2Co 12:8). His motives drove him in his ministry (1Co 15:10, 1Co 9:19-27). Blessings Israel had (Rom 9:4-5): everything God gave them doesn't even come close to what God has provided believers in the Church Age.

Scripture References: Romans 9:3, Romans 12:1-2, Romans 9:2, Romans 10:4, Romans 9:1, Hebrews 4:16, Romans 8:1, Romans 9:4-5, Hebrews 2:18

From Series: "Living Sacrifice (1995)"

Romans 12 and specifically Rom 12:1-2 is a pivot point between the doctrinal section and application of the book. This series methodically uses this passage to outline aspects or doctrines of the christian life -- God's provision and our prospect. Our lives can be acceptable to God if we progress on the path He intends. Living Sacrifice presents 12 doctrines: (1) redeeming time; (2) standing (positional truth); (3) self-presentation - availability; (4) approval; (5) service; (6) provision; (7) spiritual warfare; (8) conformity; (9) spiritual advance; (10) renewal; (11) divine guidance; (12) abundant life.

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