John’s primary PURPOSE is that believers will enter and maintain fellowship with God, with the RESULT of inner joy.
His secondary PURPOSE is to give believers ASSURANCE of their salvation, with the RESULT that they will continue to live by faith.

 “That which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. And these things we write to you that our joy may be full … These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may [continue to] believe in the name of the Son of God.” 1Jo 1:3-4; 1Jo 5:13 (emphasis added)

This compilation of notes represents the truths found in the Epistle of First John.

Gene Cunningham - May 22, 2003

The Out-working of our Salvation

Philippians - The Out-Working of our Salvation - 2008

In Gen 22:1-19 Abraham tested in the sacrifice of his son, Isaac. "The Lord will provide" was Abrahams attitude/ confidence during the test (Heb 11:17, Rom 4:17-18). Greek "provideo" -- provision or working on our behalf (as a partnership) ahead of time (Gen 15:20). Outline of Philippians: Chapter 1 -- Christ our Life (Phi 1:2, Phi 1:6-8); Chapter 2 -- Christ our Light (Phi 2:12-13); Chapter 3 -- Christ as our choice and hope (Phi 3:7); Chapter 3 -- Christ our Strength (Phi 4:13). "Work out your salvation" -- "salvation" is "deliverance"; we must do our part. To "work out" means to obey -- to hear then act on it (Phi 2:12-13) -- what is being "worked out" is the providence of God. "Fear and trembling" - because we can loose eternal reward. What we "work out" God is "working in" (Rom 8:28). He will prompt, warn, convict - we have to have the ears to hear -- this is an active partnership in the providence of God (Rom 8:28). (1) We have to believe in the providence of God -- nothing else makes sense. Paul is confidence of this in the life of the Philippians (Phi 1:6-7, Eph 1:9, Eph 1:11). Paul thought it true in his own life -- the gospel was proliferating while he was in prison (Phi 1:12). (2) I have to let my citizenship in heaven impact my conduct (Phi 1:27) -- to live in light of where you belong (Phi 3:20). (3) Lay hold of the mind of Christ (Phi 2:5). He did not cling to His advantage as God -- He believed in the providence of the Father. "Let this mind be in you" requires our permission to obey (e.g. Col 3:15-16). (4) Choice to make -- count worldly things loss that we may gain Christ (Phi 3:7-8). To be resurrected from deadness of self-will, self-determination to the fulness of life in Christ (Phi 3:10). (5) We have to be willing to go to school (Phi 4:11-13). Paul says, "I've learned", then "I know how", then "I can do". Paul is strengthened within having worked out his own deliverance. Philippians were suffering, yet Paul was as well (Phi 1:30). Promise true for every believer - we have to cooperate (Phi 4:19).

Scripture References: Philippians 1:6-7, Philippians 2:5, Philippians 1:6-8, Philippians 4:19, Romans 8:28, Philippians 3:20, Philippians 1:2, Philippians 1:30, Romans 8:28, Philippians 1:27, Genesis 15:20, Philippians 4:11-13, Philippians 2:12-13, Philippians 1:12, Romans 4:17-18, Philippians 3:10, Philippians 4:13, Ephesians 1:11, Hebrews 11:17, Philippians 3:7-8, Philippians 3:7, Ephesians 1:9, Genesis 22:1-19, Colossians 3:15-16, Philippians 2:12-13

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