This study was presented in the August 2013 Bible conference in Southern California.

Though Corinth was a “problem church” for Paul, how thankful we ought to be for them, for without their problems and questions, we would not have the answers and guidance provided in this wonderful letter. As with all the epistles, the challenge is to lay hold of the character of Christ. We are to be “transformed by the renewing of [our] minds” (Rom 12:2), and to “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus” (Phi 2:5).

Key verses for this study:

  • “For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” 1Co 2:2 and
  • “Therefore purge out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, since you are truly unleavened. For indeed Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us.” 1Co 5:7


1st Corinthians – California 2013

Gene Cunningham - May 23, 2000

Living Sacrifice 29

Rom 12:1-2 is a summary of the book of Romans. Spiritual non-conformity "do not be conformed" This world demands conformity; but we can't (Phi 3:20, 1Jn 2:15). Sermon on the mount is to His disciples (Mat 5:1-48). The spiritual non-conformist is a disciple; he lives in a state of blessing. "blessed" means one who is in the environment of God. Much if Christianity today has lost it's focus on God(1Jn 2:28). Disciples are spiritually poor (Mat 5:3) -- destitute having total dependence on God. "mourn" is true repentance (Mat 5:4) -- part of your character (Jam 4:8-9). "Meek" = gentle (Mat 5:5). "hungers and thirst for Righteousness" (Mat 5:6) -- desperate for right relationship.

Scripture References: Matthew 5:4, Matthew 5:3, John 2:28, Matthew 5:1-48, Matthew 5:6, John 2:15, Matthew 5:5, Philippians 3:20, James 4:8-9, Romans 12:1-2

From Series: "Living Sacrifice (1995)"

Romans 12 and specifically Rom 12:1-2 is a pivot point between the doctrinal section and application of the book. This series methodically uses this passage to outline aspects or doctrines of the christian life -- God's provision and our prospect. Our lives can be acceptable to God if we progress on the path He intends. Living Sacrifice presents 12 doctrines: (1) redeeming time; (2) standing (positional truth); (3) self-presentation - availability; (4) approval; (5) service; (6) provision; (7) spiritual warfare; (8) conformity; (9) spiritual advance; (10) renewal; (11) divine guidance; (12) abundant life.

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