Gene Cunningham lead a men’s study at the Cross and Spurs Cowboy Church on Saturday, February 21, 2015. He also gave the message “Courage According to the Savior” on Sunday morning at the church.
“When I am afraid, I will trust in You.” Psa 56:3






Courage in Crisis — Texas Men’s Group 2015

Gene Cunningham - September 15, 2003

Daniel #23

Daniel #23

Daniel Chapter 10 emphasizes spiritual understanding (Dan 10:1, Dan 10:11, Dan 10:12, Dan 10:14, Dan 10:20); Power of effective prayer (Dan 10:1-12); Importance of spiritual understanding (Dan 10:11-14); Angelic conflict on the course of nations (Dan 10:13-14, Dan 10:20-21); Occupation with Christ (Dan 10:15-19); Importance of relation of nations to Divine Integrity (Dan 10:19-20). Prayer, to be effective, must be made operational (Jam 5:16, 1Jo 5:14-15). 536 BC the decree was given by Cyrus to return to Jerusalem (Ezr 1:1-4); Only 50,000 return (Ezr 2:64-65). Dan has a vision which "was true" (Dan 10:1). Cults present false Christs and deities (2Co 11:3-4, 2Co 11:13-15). Daniel fasted for three weeks (Dan 10:2-3) to focus on prayer for Israel. Daniel's vision (Dan 10:4-6) of Jesus Christ is similar John's vision in Revelation (Rev 1:13-16).

Scripture References: John 5:14-15, Revelation 1:13-16, Daniel 10:1-12, James 5:16, Daniel 10:4-6, Daniel 10:20, Daniel 10:19-20, Daniel 10:2-3, Daniel 10:14, Daniel 10:15-19, Daniel 10:1, Daniel 10:12, Daniel 10:20-21, Ezra 2:64-65, Daniel 10:11, Daniel 10:13-14, Ezra 1:1-4, Daniel 10:1, Daniel 10:11-14

From Series: "Daniel"

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