Gene Cunningham - September 15, 2003

Daniel #8

Daniel #8

Nebuchadnezzar had mental illness (lycanthropy) for 7 year (picture of the tribulation) Dan 4:33-37) . The fall of Babylon (fulfillment of Jer 27:6-8, Dan 2:39, Dan 7:5). Daniel 7 and 8 happen chronologically before Daniel 5. Prophecy of Cyrus (Isa 44:24-28, Isa 45:1-4). Prophecy of the judgment of Babylon (Jer 27:5-8, Dan 5:1-7). Belshazzar is a grandson of Nebuchadnezzar. Babylon and the palace was built over the Euphrates. Belshazzar when drunk calls for the Israeli temple utensils. (Dan 5:2-3). He rejected the prophecies and his grandfather's warnings, praising the gods of corrupt gentile nations (Dan 5:4). Drinking: (1) drunkenness is always a sin (Pro 20:1, Pro 23:20, Isa 5:11-22, Isa 28:7-8, Rom 13:13, 1Co 5:11, Eph 5:18). (2) Drunkenness disqualifies you from being a leader (Pro 31:4-5), a pastor (1Ti 3:3 Tit 1:7), or a deacons (1Ti 3:8). (3) Drunkenness is condemned in several Biblical characters: Noah Gen 9:21; Nabal 1Sa 25:36-37; Ephraim Isa 28:1; Lot Gen 19:32-36. (4) Alcohol has medicinal purposes - brain and nervous system, stomach, circulation (Pro 31:6-7, 1Ti 5:23). (5) Adverse effects of alcohol leads to impulsive and abusive behavior; it amplifies mental sins; diseases include paralysis, coma, brain tissue destruction, delirium. (6) Jesus made alcohol (Joh 2:1-11) but would not condone drunkenness. Water of the word turns into the wine of joy when received by faith (Jud 9:13, Psa 104:15). (7) Alcoholism in a society can bring about national disaster (Joe 1:4-6). (8) For believers drinking must be restrained: law of love (not making a weaker brother to stumble), law of expediency (unbeliever effects), law of supreme sacrifice (directed toward God). (9) Drinking relates to reversionism (Jer 13:12-17). (10) Drinking must be tempered by common sense - young people should be taught to wait.

Scripture References: Daniel 7:5, John 2:1-11, Daniel 5:4, Ephesians 5:18, Daniel 2:39, Proverbs 31:6-7, Daniel 5:2-3, Romans 13:13, Jeremiah 27:6-8, Genesis 19:32-36, Daniel 5:1-7, Jeremiah 13:12-17, Isaiah 28:7-8, Daniel 4:33-37, Isaiah 28:1, Jeremiah 27:5-8, Joel 1:4-6, Isaiah 5:11-22, Genesis 9:21, Isaiah 45:1-4, Psalms 104:15, Proverbs 23:20, Titus 1:7, Isaiah 44:24-28, Jude 9:13, Proverbs 20:1, Proverbs 31:4-5

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