First and Second Peter are grouped in what are called the General Epistles, written to the Church at large. The theme of First Peter is the refining and growth potential in our sufferings, 1Pe 1:3, 1Pe 1:6; 1Pe 2:2. This epistle was written to believers scattered by persecution throughout Asia Minor (1 Pe 1:1). The date was circa 64-65 A.D.—the beginning of Nero’s persecutions. First Peter is the best known and loved of these epistles, called by E.J. Goodspeed, “One of the most moving pieces of persecution literature.” This epistle is written to suffering believers, and is styled by Isaac Walton as, “affectionate, loving, lowly, and humble.” This epistle conveys an intense expectation of the Lord’s return as seen in 1Pe 1:5, 1Pe 1:7, 1Pe 1:13, 1Pe 2:12, 1Pe 4:13, 1Pe 4:17, 1Pe 5:1, 1Pe 5:4.


Gene Cunningham - February 7, 2003

The Transforming Power of Abiding in Christ #1

1st John - The Transforming Power of Abiding in Christ - Northern VA 2007

Three major discourses in the Bible: Sermon on the Mount—aimed at discipleship of believers at the time of Christ (Mat 5-7); Olivet Discourse—aimed at discipleship of believers during tribulation (Mat 24-25); Upper Room Discourse—aimed at discipleship of believers during the Church Age (Joh 13-17). Themes in 1 John: potential of fellowship; presence of the conflict; power for cleansing; primary commandment (love); provision of the Holy Spirit; power of God's Word.

Conference notes for this series can be found [HERE

From Series: "1st John - The Transforming Power of Abiding in Christ - Northern VA 2007"

This series details John's description of our being 'in Him' - abiding in Christ. This contrasts Paul's use of the phrase expressing positional truth. The key verse is 1Jo 2:6 'He who says he abides in Him ought to walk just as He walked.' The series opens many truths in 1st John while covering the entire epistle.

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